Saturday, February 7, 2009

responce to mark 7

I also wanted to say, I know Jesus was perfect and was bringing the truth to the table and like you said it was hard to hear. He was going against all they knew and believed in. So my question or though was did he offend people in a perfect way? So that in doing so he never had to apologize for hurting some one or "offending" them? I am in a different culture and trying to be culturally sensitive but the truth is that God's word is clear on some things and across the board no matter what culture you are from it is hard to hear that you are wrong, but I feel that when I do step on toes I must be sorry. What do you guys think?


Tanya said...

I am a little behind on this, but I wanted to say that I like your question in this post. Jesus had to of offended people in a perfect way. That's an interesting thought. Doesn't that sort of give us permission to go ahead and teach the truth to people even if it is contrary to what they have already been taught? Of course you have to be sensitive to their culture because if you are not, then they won't hear you. However, I don't think we should be sorry when speaking God's truth.

Erin McDonald said...

thanks Tanya for your in put. that is what i came up with too. We must stand up for what is right. Do you notice that it is getting harder? We must do it all in Love so that others will see that we are not just preaching and craming it down their throats but that we love them and want them to know the truth! Praise God for his Spirit that leads and directes us!